effrontery|effronteries in English


[ef·fron·ter·y || ɪ'frʌntərɪ]

impudence, audacity, nerve, insolence

Use "effrontery|effronteries" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "effrontery|effronteries" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "effrontery|effronteries", or refer to the context using the word "effrontery|effronteries" in the English Dictionary.

1. Everyone is tired of their blatant effronteries.

2. He denied with bland effrontery.

3. Why are you showing such effrontery?

4. As nouns the difference between Affrontery and effrontery is that Affrontery is while effrontery is (uncountable) insolent and shameless audacity.

5. In the Imperial Japanese Fleet it was suicidal effrontery.

6. He admired the effrontery with which she bargained.

7. The arrogant effrontery of the man defied belief.

8. The United Nations Security Council speedily condemned the nuclear effrontery.

9. I'll see if you have the effrontery to face her.

10. Maybe effrontery would dismiss him as too negligible to pursue.

11. He had the effrontery to say I was lying.

12. She had the effrontery to ask me for more money.

13. One of them had the effrontery to bring a wraith back once.

14. One could only gasp at the sheer effrontery of the man.

15. He had the effrontery to suggest that she enjoyed being unhappy.

16. Synonyms for Brazenness include cheek, audacity, effrontery, nerve, gall, impudence, presumption, temerity, chutzpah and presumptuousness

17. This is a despicable fraud . Just imagine that he has the effrontery to say it.

18. It was the sheer effrontery, the excessive assurance of them which got under my skin.

19. Some common synonyms of Chutzpah are audacity, cheek, effrontery, gall, hardihood, nerve, and temerity

20. The effrontery of his deceptions inside and outside the conference room could be enraging.

21. The weak gain strength through effrontery and the strong grow weak because of inhibitions.

22. The politician had the effrontery to ask the people he had insulted to vote for him.

23. To act or speak with effrontery. Used in the imperative to express contempt or disdainful disbelief.

24. That indestructible, inward effrontery in the meagre fellow was what made men so down on Michaelis.

25. Synonyms for Cheekiness include cheek, audacity, effrontery, impudence, nerve, brazenness, presumption, gall, impertinence and chutzpah